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Social Studies

Social Studies: New Perspectives at Lotus Academy

Our comprehensive Social Studies Program is designed to give our students a healthy perspective on the world while learning history, geography, civics, and economics.
We not only focus on events but the actions that were taken by various groups and the cascading effects of these actions.

In each of our inquiries we bring a global perspective that encourages children to a broader understanding of where and how certain historical forces have shaped our current beliefs and how the revolutionary becomes the status quo.


  • Our faculty actively promotes respect for people of diverse backgrounds and human rights
  • We explore and deepen our students’ understanding of characteristics of leadership and informed action on the part of citizens. 
  • We build students’ conceptual knowledge of history, geography, civics, and economics and how they affected the day to day of people of that era. 
  • We always encourage inquiry, questions, and development of reasoning and research skills
  • We begin by a sense of place: we build content knowledge about the geography and history of cities and towns, states, and nations to ground students and show them the movements of various peoples all over the globe.
  • We build content knowledge about the narratives of United States history, including the interactions of Native Peoples, Europeans, and African Americans in the Colonial, Revolutionary War, Civil War, Reconstruction, and 20th century Civil Rights periods.

If you have any questions please call us or use the button below to send us a message.